Out of all the misinformation surrounding English learning, this one stands out because to many this can seem both exciting and reasonable. After all, who wouldn't want to soak up language like a sponge? Plus, children are technically human. (lol) So it seems to add up.
But it's a hot steaming pile of bullshit. We adults learn languages differently.

Kids and adults learn languages differently because of how our brains change as we grow.
Kids rely heavily on something called procedural memory—this helps them pick up language naturally.
Procedural memory helps us learn skills like riding a bike, tying your shoes, brushing your teeth —it’s about learning through doing.

Kids use this kind of memory to pick up language naturally through practice and repetition.
As we grow up, our brains start to rely more on declarative memory.
Declarative memory is all about facts and rules—it’s what we use to learn new vocabulary and grammar.
This shift in memory systems is one of the reasons why adults often find language learning more challenging.

Adults also face another challenge: interference from their native language(s).
By the time we're adults, our brains are wired with strong patterns from our first language.
These patterns can interfere with learning new sounds, grammar structures, and even meanings.
For example, we automatically translate new words into our native language for a while.

This translation habit is a natural part of how adults process new information. It’s normal, but sadly, it does slow us down and makes learning feel less intuitive.
With enough practice, adults start to think directly in the new language, bypassing the need for translation.
Kids, on the other hand, don’t have these ingrained patterns, so they learn through immersion without translating.

Are you doomed?
Let’s take a look at the let’s-prove-that-you-are-not-a-kid kit below. Recognize any of these?

Now that we’ve established that you’re not a kid, embrace your adult brain, put in the work and reap the rewards.

Tina is a professional English Teacher with a Cambridge education and 10+ years of teaching English to adults in-person and online.
She wants you and English learners like you to develop a solid understanding of what you need to do to start speaking better English faster (and not fall for English-in-a-month scams).