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A bulletproof way to improve your English vocabulary 

A detailed flashcard and chunking checklist for practicing English vocabulary, emphasizing the importance of active recall an
Teacher Tina from

 It's for you if any of these describe you


👉🏼 want to speak English fluently 

👉🏼 want to sound more natural in English

👉🏼 want to understand native speakers

👉🏼 want to remember new vocab better

👉🏼 want to actually be able to use the new vocab you learn (instead of just being able to recognize it when others use it)

👉🏼 want to be able to express your ideas clearly

👉🏼 you feel like your current method isn't working well enough

👉🏼 need an evidence-based effective way to improve faster

👉🏼 are going to study instead of looking for a magic pill, tips and tricks

100s of people are speaking better English already with my checklist

You get:

 ✅ a step-by-step guide on how to learn English vocabulary 

 ✅ examples 

 ✅ effective, science-backed ways to better remember new vocab 

 ✅ advice on what to pay attention to when you study 

 ✅ website recommendations 

And it's absolutely FREE!

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